Sunday, February 21, 2010


Good Morning! After the snow, sleet and mud, there was a much needed spring shower that came through last night. I woke up and laid in bed listening to it and as the rain hit the roof it reminded me of how we are all cleansed. Like the rain washing earth, I feel I have been washed lately by the grace of God. There are so many things that overwhelm me at times, but when I lay in bed at night, I pray and the soothing feeling that comes over me comes from no one else but God. I am unsure sometimes how life will be handed to me, but I do know that I am surrounded by grace and people that love me and that is enough for me.

On a side note, I had a friend give me the Intelligender test for the boy/girl prediction of the baby and I took it this morning........boy it is. I will have to see how accurate those results are a week from tomorrow-March 1st-when I go for my ultrasound. I am 18 weeks pregnant and feel like I am sporting a huge belly right now! I was barely showing at this stage with Rhett! It's beginning to seem real for me and before long those kicks in the ribs and on the bladder will remind me of that miracle growing inside. How lucky we women are to experience the miracle of life within us!

Have a blessed week!

Monday, February 1, 2010

15 Weeks Pregnant

I ventured out for Amarillo around 7:30 this morning. I didn't know how the roads would be after all the snow and ice, but luckily they were great! Once I got to Amarillo that was a different story! Roads were horrible and drivers were even worse. I made a destination road map in my head and didn't vear from back tracking for me!

The doctor picked up little Cal's (that story will come in a bit) heartbeat at 165 beats per minute, but would lose it, then find it again, then lose it...needless to say I have one busy baby in my belly that moves a lot! Everything looked great and in 4 weeks...March 1.....we venture back amongst the crazy drivers of Amarillo to find out if Rhett will be a big brother to a sister or brother! I would like to think a girl would be great in our family, but then again I am familiar with boys...but a healthy baby is all I pray for really! I am still seven pounds negative in weight from my first visit because of being sick but I have a feeling that will catch up with me sooner than later!

The Story of Cal-
When I told Rhett that I was pregnant he didn't quite have the reaction I had hoped for. He cried, got mad and told me that he wasn't going to be able to sleep at night because the baby was going to "Cry A Lot"....Cal! That story circulated to my family and of course Dad decided (I think it was Dad!) to start referring to he/she as this nickname. Rhett was nicknamed the "Fetus" while I was pregnant so I guess something original doesn't hurt!

I am glad to be home though....where the heat is....because after all, it isn't quite summer yet and it is still a little chilly out there. Now wait for the summer blogs....8 and 9 months pregnant.....I will be wishing it were winter with pretty snow on the ground!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

To Write, or not to Write

After much thought about whether or not to start a blog, I decided, what the heck, might as well! There are so many social networking sites out there, but a blog is so personal, so in depth and I have always felt better after writing! So, to write or not to I go!

I woke up this Saturday morning, with much hesitation at 6:15 a.m.!! I crawled out of bed and looked outside. It was absolutely beautiful. The moon was shining off the snow, the house was quiet and of course my water was frozen, once again! Not everything can be perfect, right??!!

I am 15 weeks pregnant at this point and so glad as I pulled myself out of bed this morning that my first greeting wasn't the shiny, porcelain toilet. Morning (noon and night) sickness is subsiding and I welcome this change with a big smile! I go to the doctor on Monday to hear the heartbeat and of course jump up on that frightening scale with less anticipation than I had with the porcelain goddess in the mornings! A healthy baby, that is what I am after and if it means gaining a few pounds I suppose I can worry about it all later!

Rhett is sitting beside me at the moment sighing with heavy gasps (as if I can't hear him as it is) wanting to go to Nana and Grampy's to sled. Grampy said he would get out the 4-wheeler and they would sled. I guess if you are going to sled, you might as well do it up big with the few times a year we can enjoy it! As for me, I believe I will sit inside and drink hot cocoa. Too much cold makes me grumpy!

Enjoy your's a great day to have!!